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Input & Output

How to Input ?

Input an string or a character from console

#input() method here assigns name variable with entered string or character

name = input("Enter your name : ")        

Input an integer or float from console

# int(input()) method here takes input from the console converts it into integer and assigns it to variable roll_no

roll_no = int(input("Enter your Roll Number: "))       

average = float(input("Enter average: "))       # to input floating value

How to Output ?

Printing out a string

print("I'm Python. Nice to meet you!")  # >>> I'm Python. Nice to meet you!

By default the print function also prints out a newline at the end.Use the optional argument end to change the end string.

print("Hello, World", end="!")  # >>> Hello, World!

Printing numbers with a string

(Notice the space after ‘is’ in the output )

Case 1: here we print string and then integer

print("My jersey number is",10)  # >>> My jersey number is 10

Case 2: here we convert integer 10 into string and then print all of it at once

print("My jersey number is "+str(10))  # >>> My jersey number is 10

Case 3: here we have a variable integer value and a string

roll = int(input("Enter roll number: "))        # >>> Enter roll number : 102
print("Roll number is :" , roll)                     # >>> Roll number is : 102

Case 4: here string is variable

name = input("Enter name: ")    # >>> Enter name: cheetah
print("My name is " + name)      # >>> My name is cheetah

Printing out float values

var = 10.5782
print("average is %.2f"%(var))             # >>> average is 10.58
print("now average is %.6f"%var)        # >>> now average is 10.578200